¿Tienes problemas con el verbo To Be en inglés? Este es uno de los primeros verbos que se aprenden del idioma, por lo que puede causar algunas confusiones al principio. Practica el verbo to be con estos ejercicios y te convertirás en un experto:
Correct and translate the sentences
- Where you from?
- What name is your?
- Nice is meet you, too.
- Harry is from US.
- Where are you from UK?
- Carlos from Madrid.
- I'm from Russia. are you from?
- Where you from, Susan?
Complete the table with the form of the verb To Be
- I ____ English.
- You ____ Mexican.
- He ____ Tony.
- She ____ Barbara.
- We ____ American.
- They ____ Steve and Rosie.
- I ___ ten years old.
- Are___ from America?
- The boys ___ very happy.
- ___ Rudi ten years old?
- ___ they your friends?
- ___ it Monday or Tuesday?
- ___ you happy?
Choose the correct word
- What am/is your name?
- Hi! I am/is Tony.
- Is/Are you English?
- No, I’m not/I isn’t.
- What am/is her name?
- Her name am/is Sara.
- Is/Are she Mexican?
- Yes, she is/are.
- Is/Are they students?
- Yes, they is/are.
Complete with the correct form of the verb To Be and match 1-5 with a-e
- What ______________ your name?
- Where ______________ they from?
- ______________ you a teacher?
- How old ______________ you?
- Who ______________ he?
- He’s my friend. His name ______________ Carl.
- I ______________ fifteen years old.
- They ______________ from Switzerland.
- My name ______________ Dominic.
- No, I ______________ not. I ______________ a student.